Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Good Sahur For Fasting Does Not Lack

jual ling shen yao jakarta

Good Sahur For Fasting Does Not Lack


As long as the fasting of the body does not get the consumption of food or liquid around 14 hours, therefore the role of the sahur is so necessary. Menus consumed during the meal can affect a person's circumstances during fasting. How is a good meal so as not to limp when fasting?

"In order to have a fit body when fasting, so a good carbohydrate menu for sahur that is sweet potato, corn, cassava, oatmeal, wheat bread, brown rice and fruits," said Dr. Phaidon L Toruan MM as taken from its release on Tuesday (10 / 8/2010).


Type of carbohydrate sweet potatoes, corn, cassava, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice is a complex carbohydrate that has low sugar content and restrained longer for 6 hours. These complex carbohydrates can be stored in the liver as well as muscles so glycogen (a substance formerly so glucose). When the body lacks power, the following glycogen reserves will also be broken down into glucose into resources.


Moderate carbohydrates such as foods that contain high sugar content, when processed will also soon become power quickly and increase blood sugar content. Simple carbohydrates can not put glycogen back up.


Dr. Phaidon explains there are many things to note in the hour of dawn so that one can stay fit and not limp throughout the fasting, namely:


1. Good meal time of good consumption of complex carbohydrates.

This sort of thing is because complex carbohydrates are getting slower broken down or processed into blood sugar, with that the blood sugar will also remain stable (not naturally high fluctuations). Beyond that complex carbohydrates greatly help the body's metabolic power system.


2. Consumption of fruit and vegetables at dawn time.

Fasting for the body is one of the detoxification programs. In this condition the large intestine will also be rested and the body has the opportunity to dispose of the dregs of metabolism, such as food scraps, especially rotting meat in the large intestine will also be cleaned. One of the essential cleaning tools is the insoluble fiber present in the vegetable. While fruits consumed during sahur are useful for supplying anti-oxidants that play a role to meet daily needs, and help cellular detoxification.


3. Reduce the consumption of fried foods.

A fry consumed by a person will also make his red blood cells clump like a Chinese girlfriend. When this situation takes place will also cause the flow of oxygen to shrink to 20%, resulting in one will also be sleepy during the day.

Therefore in order to remain able to perform activities throughout the fast and the body does not feel weak, so there is no mistake to pay attention to the consumption of food at dawn.


4. Reduce the sweet-sweet Sweet foods will also make the body release insulin quickly to cause hunger quickly. The role of insulin is to enter the sugar from the blood into several cells of the body and used as a resource.

Sweet foods only last 2 hours after consumed. Although we should actually hold fast for 14 hours so there will also be when 12 hours of body condition will also be weak.


5. Just drinking water That should also be the attention that is enough to drink water so that the need for fluids in the body is not disturbed.


Drinking coffee when sahur good shunned because of coffee as well as soft drinks is a diuretic instead of giving water to the body but so spend it. This is because high-level processing of sugar requires some large amounts of water in the body. (ver / ir)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Besucher müssen wissen! Dies kennzeichnet den Körper bereits am meisten Koffein

smart detox synergy worldwide

Besucher müssen wissen! Dies kennzeichnet den Körper bereits am meisten Koffein


Jakarta, Nicht wenige Reisende wählen eine sofortige Straße und verlassen sich auf Koffein wie Kaffee oder Energy-Drinks, wenn sie unterwegs müde sind. Seien Sie vorsichtig, seien Sie nicht eine "Überdosis" Koffein ya.Seperti präsentiert von Ernährungswissenschaftler Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD, Koffein in Kaffee ist bekannt, um gesundheitliche Vorteile für den Körper zu bieten. Es bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Koffein frei betrunken ist und in der Menge viele. Wenn dies getan wird, wäre der Effekt für den Körper schlecht. Lesen Sie auch: Dieser Faktor Anzahl der Sterblichkeitsrate während Mudik Einige der schlechten Auswirkungen der Beschleunigung der Herzfrequenz, erhöhen das Risiko eines Herzinfarkts und Auslöser der Anstieg der Magensäure. Nun, wie sind die Zeichen des Körpers hauptsächlich Koffeinkonsum? Was sollte vorbereitet werden, bevor Sie nach Hause gehen? Schauen Sie sich das Video zur gesunden Diskussion an: Von Healthline zitiert, sind einige Anzeichen, die Sie erkennen müssen, Schwindel, Durchfall, anhaltender Durst, Schlaflosigkeit, Fieber. Ernste Anzeichen wie Erbrechen, Brustschmerzen, unregelmäßiger Herzschlag können ebenfalls auftreten. Daraus ergibt sich für den Kaffeekonsum immer noch eine Portionsregel für maximalen positiven Effekt. Adult Koffeinkonsum Empfehlung entspricht 200-300 mg täglich oder gleichwertig zu 2 Tassen Kaffee, Jansen Nachricht. Wenn der Grund, warum Sie während der Heimkehr Kaffee trinken, müde ist, dann sollten Sie einen anderen Weg wählen, um sie zu überwinden. Es wird von Schlafgesundheitsexperten des Mitra Kemayoran Krankenhauses, Dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT, empfohlen, zum Beispiel durch Schlafen und Ausruhen für einen Moment. Lesen Sie auch: Körper Signale 'Anfrage' Rest Verständliche Reisende (ajg / up)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

4 cose inaspettate che possono essere il boccone del corpo Meno nutrizione


4 cose inaspettate che possono essere il boccone del corpo Meno nutrizione


Jakarta, la mancanza di sostanze nutritive rende il corpo facilmente stanco. Di conseguenza, sei meno concentrato e la produttività può andare in discesa. Pertanto, devi stare attento alle condizioni del tuo corpo per essere sempre sano e in forma. Oltre alla pelle secca, i seguenti segni possono essere un sintomo della mancanza di nutrienti nel corpo. Riassunti da varie fonti, eccone alcuni. 1. Ferite che non si curano mai Sebbene le ferite e graffi non guariscano nella notte, ma con il corpo meno ferita nutrizionale sarà più lungo a chiuso. La soluzione è aumentare l'assunzione di proteine ​​in grado di riparare il tessuto. Va ricordato che la porzione proteica giornaliera è di 20 grammi per pasto e di 10-15 grammi per un pasto leggero.2. Gengive sanguinanti Quando sanguini mentre ti lavi i denti, ci sono due possibilità. Il primo è perché non stai mantenendo i denti puliti, il secondo è probabilmente perché sei carente di vitamina K. La vitamina K che funge da coagulazione del sangue può essere trovata in alimenti come cavoli o altre verdure verde scuro. Leggi anche: "Active" delle donne indonesiane sposta meno nutrizione3. Problemi sull'unghia Come affermato da Colleen S. Bucher, un nutrizionista della Carolina, bassi livelli di ferro possono far sì che le unghie si sbiancino o si frastagliano. Può anche causare unghie a forma di cavità come un cucchiaio. La carenza di biotina aumenta il rischio di infezioni fungine che possono causare la decolorazione delle unghie, mentre la carenza di vitamina B-12 può rendere le unghie un colore brunastro. Perdita di peso Normalmente perdiamo 50-100 ciocche di capelli al giorno. Se più di questo, puoi essere sicuro della mancanza di nutrienti per i capelli. La mancanza di proteine ​​e di vitamina C può causare capelli aggrovigliati o fragili che cadono facilmente, dice Kaleigh McMordie, una nutrizionista del Texas. Questi due termini principali di sana colazione (su / su)