Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Myths and Facts: Food Vs Beauty

Myths and Facts: Food Vs Beauty

 There is a belief that diet can affect the beauty. In some cases it is true. Nutrient-laden foods will keep your body healthy and fit, and excellent condition will radiate in your appearance. Moreover, if you consume a lot of fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients needed to remain durable beautiful skin. But, there are also myths about food and beauty, here are a few:
Chocolate causes jerawatSatu of three people who will be more easily susceptible acne breakouts after eating chocolate. Fat in cokelatlah that stimulate the production of excess oil on the skin, so that could arise acne. To be safe, do not eat chocolate overload.

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JerawatMakanan fried fried food causes a lot of fat. For some people, the fat may alter the oil glands in the skin become more active. If your skin tends to be oily and acne easily, choose foods that are processed in other ways besides fried, especially fast food.
Drink 8 glasses of water per day to make the skin more sehatMinum plenty of water can reduce dryness and make the skin look healthier. Water also helps the body in the process of replacing old skin cells with new ones. So, many-many are drinking water, at least 8 glasses per day.
Eating gelatin makes nails grow faster and kuatGelatin is a source of protein needed in the growth of hair and nails. Actually, no matter what kind of protein, will have the same effect on the body. Best sources of protein are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
Foods rich in protein makes the hair more kuatPola eating is good and right with enough calories to make healthy hair. People with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa usually have the hair brittle and dull, because the calories of the food is not enough to feed the hair. For normal people, usually due to outside factors such as diet improper hair care, treatment of excessive hair, and less moisturizing. (Elizabeth Swanti)


Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

The Big "C": Cancer Tips And Advice

The Big "C": Cancer Tips And Advice

One matter that can never be put on a back burner, such as the battle with cancer, is defeating cancer.

Avoid the consumption of sugar to prevent cancer cell growth. Cancer cells feed on sugar, so getting rid of the sugar you consume can help stop cancer cell growth. This alone will not eliminate cancer, but it is a healthy choice for maintaining good nutrition as you fight cancer.

Cancer is very difficult for both the patient and their family. There are a number of cancer treatments in existence, so consult with a doctor regularly.

Exercise will ensure that the flow of blood flows properly through the body. Getting your blood pumping will help your treatments can traverse your physical interior faster and with ease.

Be aware that fruits and vegetables from the market can sometimes be contaminated. Pesticides are used on these crops to guard against diseases and other issues from causing destruction to the crops.

There are many people still believe. Some individuals may think cancer as being contagious or you may be unable to do your job. Make an effort to establish a frank and candid.

If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, make sure you are there to listen to that person if he or she needs to talk to someone. It can be quite difficult at times, but remember that the person diagnosed with cancer has the need to release their emotions.

You should know and be mindful of the signs of certain forms of cancer, such as colon cancer, because your best chance of surviving is to catch them early. Things like unexplained weight loss, blood in the stool, cramping and thinning stools can be symptoms of colon cancer. Visit your doctor if you experience any of these signs.

Read the literature on this subject, if you or somebody you know, has cancer.

Many people do know that wild salmon is both healthy and delicious.

Be prepared to fight later.

Don't listen to the studies that alcohol somehow protects against cancer. Wine could help prevent cancer only because of the grapes. Drinking too much alcohol can actually increase the risk of getting cancer.

If you have a family member who has cancer, it is vital that you try not to treat the person any differently. Cancer victims need any love and positive energy from others they can get, and when people feel sorry for them, they might feel badly and whittle down self-esteem.

Open communication can provide a strong bond that will benefit both you and beneficial to all involved.

Prior to undergoing treatment, ask questions about the physical changes that you can expect. This information allows you to deal with the side effects of your treatments. If you will lose your hair due to chemotherapy, you may want to consider buying a wig or wearing head scarves to cover your treatment-related hair loss.

Avoid sun exposure from ten in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon. Go outside before these hours to reduce the fresh air without damaging your skin.

Cancer treatments are likely to leave your body exhausted and exhausted. Getting the right amount of sleep will help you to be able to heal quicker, and can make you more mentally prepared to face the next day with a positive attitude. You may need to plan to take a daily nap throughout the day too.

Life does not stop simply because you are sick!You should keep up with what you usually do if your favorite activities for as long as you're physically able to. If there are things you particularly enjoy, you should not stop doing it just because you are ill.

A balanced, nutritious diet, and exercising regularly. Staying healthy is the best way to help your body to fight the cancer, as well as the ability to bounce back after your treatment.

Ovarian cancer is typically treated using chemotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy involves the use of chemical agents as a treatment to kill remaining cancer cells and prevent more from developing. It is usually given after surgery is performed, some women undergo chemotherapy prior to surgical treatment.

You can not allow cancer to win the battle. You life literally hangs in the balance.